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Second Life is the name of a 3-D virtual universe that has drawn nearly two million computer users online. Those who opt to become residents of the digital community can create and customize their own characters—from skin tone to hairstyle to clothing. Speaking of which, members of Second Life are now able to do some cybershopping at American Apparel, a garment manufacturer and retailer that operates 80 locations around the US. The company has created a presence in the Second Life landscape that gives American Apparel access to the real money spent in this ever-expanding world of make-believe.

The Second Life marketplace supports millions of dollars in monthly transactions. Users spend Linden dollars, the in-world currency named after Second Life creator Linden Lab, which can then be converted to US dollars. American Apparel contacted Aimee Weber, a Second Life architect, about introducing the brand to the community. She based her shop design on the company’s Tokyo showroom. For more information about Second Life, visit


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