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Use These Charts to Compare DTG vs. DTF vs. Screen Printing

They cover applicable substrates, productivity, hand feel, sustainability, and durability.




TRAILBLAZERS ACROSS THE digital print and textiles markets gathered in Santa Monica, California, June 9-10 at the 2022 Smither’s Digital Textile Printing US conference to discuss how business models, technology, and collaboration can accelerate the commercial adoption of digital print for textiles. “This event brings together luxury fashion brands, retailers, textile printers, equipment suppliers, and material suppliers to discuss the latest trends and advancements in the growing digital textile industry,” according to Smithers.

Eric P. Beyeler, global marketing manager at DuPont Artistri Digital Inks led a session on DTG/DTF Productivity Optimization. He highlighted the overall DTF & DTG processes along with the critical parameters of inkjet printing and the mechanisms that make colors most brilliant and most durable.

See below for two key presentation slides outlining the main differences between DTG, DTF, and screen printing as well as the productivity impact for DTG and DTF.

Use These Charts to Compare DTG vs. DTF vs. Screen Printing

Use These Charts to Compare DTG vs. DTF vs. Screen Printing

On-demand content from the two-day event is available for purchase through August 1, 2022. Click here for more information.




Let’s Talk About It

Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Screen Printing Industry

LET’S TALK About It: Part 3 discusses how four screen printers have employed people with disabilities, why you should consider doing the same, the resources that are available, and more. Watch the live webinar, held August 16, moderated by Adrienne Palmer, editor-in-chief, Screen Printing magazine, with panelists Ali Banholzer, Amber Massey, Ryan Moor, and Jed Seifert. The multi-part series is hosted exclusively by ROQ.US and U.N.I.T.E Together. Let’s Talk About It: Part 1 focused on Black, female screen printers and can be watched here; Part 2 focused on the LGBTQ+ community and can be watched here.

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