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Hirsch Int’l sponsored a fund-raising concert on Thursday, Oct. 26 during SGIA 2007 in Orlando, FL. Organized by Rick Roth of Mirror Image, Pawtucket, RI, the benefit raised thousands of dollars on behalf of the New Orleans Musicians Clinic and the Music Makers Relief Foundation. The New Orleans Musicians Clinic is a not-for-profit occupational medicine and wellness partnership that offers comprehensive health care to New Orleans-based musicians. 

The concert was held at Cricketers Arms Pub in Orlando and featured Joey Gilmore, a blues and R&B musician who has been playing for more than 40 years. Hirsch Int’l was the primary sponsor of the concert. Contributors of shirts, equipment, and supplies included Hanes Printables, MHM Screen Printing Machines (owned by Hirsch), and Kiwo.

Fund-raiser T-shirts were sold from the Hirsch/Tajima/MHM booth at the trade show. The inks were a combination of Rutland’s Shatter base and Blister base, and the artwork was done by Mirror Image. The end result was an alligator graphic with lettering designed to look and feel like real alligator skin.



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