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Most Screen Printers Offer Employee Discounts, but Terms Vary

Do You or Don’t You: Our Brain Squad members share the particulars of their programs.





Do you offer employee discounts?

Yes: 88%

  • Employee discounts are in place but there is a cost associated with doing business. The item is discounted, but the company can’t absorb it for free. We measure it case by case, but typically it’s the cost of the good and the cost of the shop to make it. We also have vending machines with $.25 mark ups, and that profit goes toward the employee fund. — Ron Augelli,
  • Cost plus 10 percent. Must get permission in advance. — Mark Coudray, Coudray Growth Technologies

  • No up charge; employees can order at our cost. — Kristin Deutsch, Hair of the Dog Graphics
  • I have allowed employees to use the facilities for their own projects in their own time to develop their own ideas or shirt designs. — Chessie Rosier-Parker, Squeegee and Ink 
  • We offer them garment cost without any markup and add wholesale decorating pricing. — Keith Abrams, The Decoration Facility

Most Screen Printers Offer Employee Discounts, but Terms Vary

No: 12%

  • We keep blanks here so if someone likes a design, they print a shirt first. That way, if the print needs to be improved, we haven’t used our customer’s shirt. — John Wilhelmsen, Distinct Impression

  • Everything we print is a licensed product, and contractually we are required to destroy misprints rather than donate them to a charity or offer them at a discounted price to employees. We do cut them in halves or quarters, bag them, and offer them as free rags for employees to use. Also, employees can wear misprints at work to keep ink off their own tees, but they must discard them before they leave for the day. — Anonymous

What’s the Brain Squad?

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S.screen-printing business, you’re invited to join the Screen Printing Brain Squad. Take one five-minute quiz a month, and you’ll be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting screen-print pros. Sign up here.




Let’s Talk About It

Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Screen Printing Industry

LET’S TALK About It: Part 3 discusses how four screen printers have employed people with disabilities, why you should consider doing the same, the resources that are available, and more. Watch the live webinar, held August 16, moderated by Adrienne Palmer, editor-in-chief, Screen Printing magazine, with panelists Ali Banholzer, Amber Massey, Ryan Moor, and Jed Seifert. The multi-part series is hosted exclusively by ROQ.US and U.N.I.T.E Together. Let’s Talk About It: Part 1 focused on Black, female screen printers and can be watched here; Part 2 focused on the LGBTQ+ community and can be watched here.

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