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Nazdar Consulting Services, Shawnee, KS, expanded its capabilities to include offerings in environmental health and safety, information technology, and strategic planning. Under the environmental health and safety area, new offerings include on-site assessment, hazard communication, hazardous-materials training, and MSDS management. Information-technology services range from server setup and security to Web hosting and design services, storage and backup solutions, monitoring, and maintenance. New offerings in strategic planning include assessment, development, implementation, alignment, and monitoring.

“By sharing our knowledge with our customers, Nazdar Consulting Services fills an important niche in the digital and screen-printing industry. By making our customers more successful, we become more successful ourselves,” says Mike Fox, president of Nazdar. For more information, contact Nazdar, 8501 Hedge Lane Terr., Shawnee, KS 66227-3290, 913-422-1888, fax: 913-422-2295, Web:


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