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Graphics Printing




If you graphics need to make a powerful impact, check out the TriOla Radius from Clearr Corp. The prismatic, sequential, three-message display system is designed for use in outdoor and indoor applications. It comes in a variety of non-linear face fronts, including circle, semi-circle, circular section (radius of 25 in./635 mm minimum), oval, narrow elipse, wide ellipse, racetrack, asteroid, tricuspoid, bicorn, serpentine, spiral sections, parabola, hyperbola, and catenary. Also available are letters, numbers, groupings, and shape combinations. On open-ended shapes, prismatic faces may be specified for either or both sides, and static graphics may be applied to sides without prismatic faces. Users also can create their own configurations. Clearr Corp., 6325 Sandburg Rd., Minneapolis, MN 55427, 763-398-5400, 800-548-3269, fax: 763-398-0134, e-mail:, Web:

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