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Garment Printing



TAS’s Compact Hawk gives users the option to add or remove a printhead to meet the needs of a specific job. The extra head is placed in the station normally used for unloading. Printhead removal involves unfastening three bolts, two airline connections, and two electrical connections. TAS says the self-leveling printhead requires no extra adjustments once it is attached in place. The extra printhead is available only on the Compact Hawk press, which is available in eight- and 10-station models. The Hawk Compact features a 121-in. (3073-mm) footprint and can be operated using a 220 VAC, single-phase connection. The press does require the use of a 2-HP air compressor, but no chiller and dryer are necessary. TAS America, 28008 Harrison Pkwy., Valencia, CA 91355, 661-295-9330, fax: 661-295-9333, Web:

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