Triangle Digital INK USA, San Leandro, CA, announced its facilities have become the first two green businesses in Solano County, CA. Plant manager Heidi Dudley made some inquiries for meeting Green Business standards, which led to benchmark inspections of the company’s manufacturing facility and distribution center, resulting in two of the reported fastest Green Business certifications on record.
During late February and March, 21 inspectors examined both facilities and found full compliance with all pertinent environmental regulations. In fact, TDI notes that the environmental practices at both locations were found to be above and beyond compliance in all areas.
“It’s been part of our company culture from day one,” says Dudley. It’s what our employees do, every day, and what we’ve been doing for all of the five years we’ve been here. From management, throughout the plant, it’s individual people paying attention to how we handle waste, as well as how we handle our products, how we can save energy, the paper we buy, reusing totes and recycling pallets—so many little things that add up.”
Ken Kisner, senior vice president and chief technology officer of TDI says, “This is the real deal. Green Business certification recognizes the daily sustainability practices and environmental stewardship exercised by people in our factory and warehouse. Our company commitment starts with top management and extends through R&D, product and package design, responsible manufacturing and distribution. It’s not enough to make biodegradable or low-VOC products; it involves our own vendor requirements, every step in our manufacturing processes and people in the factory, for example, properly disposing of hazardous waste. It shows that each of us can make a difference, every day.” For more information about Triangle Digital INX USA, visit